On Tue, 16 Oct 2007, Jeff Grossman wrote:

find ./ -type f -ctime +14 | xargs rm

I don't know that much about bash scripting. I would like the output to tell me how many files were deleted. Can anybody share with me how can I get that done, or point in the correct direction?
find ./ -type f -ctime +14 |tee /tmp/find-rm | xargs rm
wc -l /tmp/find-rm
rm /tmp/find-rm

Or, having the right version of rm:

find ./ -type f -ctime +14 | xargs rm -v | wc -l

Or, print out number of files deleted and their total size in bytes:
find ./ -type f -ctime +14 -printf "%s\n" -exec rm {} \; | awk '{s=s+$0}; END{print "Total "NR" files ("s" bytes) removed"}'

- -- tomas


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