On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 11:12 +0100, Ingo Rogalsky wrote:
> I intend to use maildir Quota for measurement only, not for applying
> restrictions. Therefore I defined rather high values. 

"0" values would have worked as well (I think, at least works in v1.1).

> That's working as
> expected. Nevertheless it's not useful, because the recalculation time
> is to high. This takes some minutes for my own mailaccount with 250.000
> mails on a NFS storage. This would be to bad, but whilst this time, the
> Mailclient hangs. Probably our users woulnd't accept this. Can this be
> done in the background?

Not really. Dict quota would be better for you I think, although it
doesn't work very well in v1.0 either :)

> Furthermore I noticed that recalculation occurs after the file
> maildirsize gets longer than 30 lines (around 250-300 bytes) and not
> after 5120 bytes as the wiki states. Do I do/understand something wrong
> or is this a bug?

Actually I did find a bug from there which could have caused this.
Fixed: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.0/rev/288fd70ac258

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