On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 00:14 +0800, Joe Wong wrote:
> I've found that the problem may not be related to the non english content. I 
> just tried delete dovecot.index.* from the not-working folder. After that, 
> full text search is also working on that folder, no more Corrupted squat 
> uidlist file error. Why are the two related to each other? 

I don't know really .. They shouldn't have anything to do with each
others. Although if you also deleted dovecot-uidlist, Dovecot assigns
new UIDs to messages and that might have helped. But if dovecot-uidlist
was there, then I've no idea. If you can reproduce this somehow I'd like
to know.

> Can the system auto-heal under such condition?

Dovecot should always auto-heal itself, so it's a bug if it doesn't.

> By the way, for chinese, each BIG5 charcter is two bytes long and it is 3 
> bytes in UTF-8 encoding. For Chinese, a search word can contain 1 
> "character" or more. I think the indexer should convert the text to UTF-8 
> and cut the word to UTF-8 character but not bytes boundary.

That's how it works currently. With the byte count I meant that it would
cut at the previous (or the next) character after that many bytes. So
for example "abcd" and "åäöå" would be indexed as 4 characters, because
the first takes 4 bytes and the second takes 8 bytes, but then 4 chinese
characters each taking 3 bytes would be cut after 2 or 3 characters. 

None of this affects the actual search results. Only how much disk
space, memory and disk I/O is used when searching.

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