On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 13:16 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> >    I am using dovecot with maildir storage.  I want to share a inbox 
> > of one user with another user.  I read the page 
> > http://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes but it does not deal with 
> > inboxes.  I tried a test of a non-inbox folder and it worked great.   
> > The inbox does not have a .inbox folder instead its kindof spread 
> > through the root of the mailbox.  Should I create a folder say 
> > .shared-inbox with a symbolic link to cur new tmp in 
> > other-guys-mail-folder?  What about index files, uid list, and keywords?
> >
> > Thanks
> I just did some more testing and it seems linking to the root of a users 
> mailfolder gets his inbox.  Now my problem is I want to share a folder 
> that has a lot of other folder under it.  I want all folders under this 
> main folder to be shared.  I also want either user to be able to rename 
> move delete or make new subfolders.  How can I do this?

You can't do this with symlinks. I think the only possibility currently
is that you'd have to create a separate namespace for these two users
containing all their shared mailboxes.

As for how to define user-specific namespaces, that depends on what
userdb you use.. Also one possibility would be to use post-login
scripting. http://wiki.dovecot.org/PostLoginScripting may be helpful and
creating new NAMESPACE_* environments.

Hopefully Dovecot v1.2 will have proper shared mailbox support and
there's no need for all this kludging.

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