On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 19:25 +0100, Patrick Ben Koetter wrote:
> > It is my understanding that mail_location only gets uses if no mail 
> > attribute 
> > is specified. In any case, it appears that the above perhaps should read 
> > mailHomeDirectory=mail. Also making the home and the mail directory the 
> > same 
> Doh! Thanks, that fixed the mail location problem. In the log I can now see it
> is used when I use dovecot as Postfix service.
> The initial problem yet still remains. If I use "mailbox_command = ../deliver"
> deliver seems to use the $ENV settings. I can probably change those, but I'd
> rather have deliver read system user delivery options from LDAP, jsut as I do
> for my virtual users.

That's how it should work. Also deliver v1.1 will clear out the
environment by default.

> I've switched off all other userdb drivers. From my understanding deliver
> _must_ read from LDAP:
>   userdb:
>       driver: ldap
>       args: /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf

It should. Set auth_debug=yes and mail_debug=yes. What does it log when
delivering a mail?

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