On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 11:35 -0400, Charles Marcus wrote:
> On 3/25/2008, Marc Perkel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > What I'm really looking for someone to do is write some kind of SMTP 
> > over IMAP plugin so that IMAP can be an authenticated transport that 
> > would carry outbound email to Dovecot which would hand it off to an 
> > SMTP server or be a conduit to SMTP server. That way email users need 
> > not configure outgoing SMTP. It would just send outgoing email over 
> > the same connections.
> I have been a big detractor for any usefulness for this kind of thing, 
> but there is one use that would be a big plus...
> For the 'Copy to Sent' function... if you sent a message somehow using 
> the IMAP connection, maybe you could save the Client having to upload 
> the same message AGAIN just to copy it to the Sent folder (think 10MB 
> email sent over a 512Kb connection)...

LEMONADE's URLAUTH + CATENATE extensions will help with this. Everything
else is also possible to do in more standard (although maybe more
complex) ways except one: Some stupid networks block also submission
port, so it's not possible to send outgoing mails with either port
smtp/25 or submission/587 (or probably also ssmtp/465).

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