mouss wrote:
Zbigniew Szalbot wrote:
Hi there,

Charles Marcus pisze:

On 5/8/2008 5:22 AM, Bob Gustafson wrote:
I always keep a copy of messages sent.

With a particularly large message (pictures etc), being sent from a far remote location, I noticed that the message and the copy were both sent from the client - rather than having the message sent (through my mail server) and then copied locally within the mail server.

Is there a way to configure Dovecot (or postfix?) so the local copy is done?

This has been asked more than once here and elsewhere, and sadly the short answer is 'no'... I'd love to see support for this too, but it just has to do with how smtp works.

A couple of options...

If you use postfix for your MTA, you could simply disable saving sent messages in tbird, and set up sender BCC maps in postfix so that a copy of each users sent mail is dumped into their Sent folder.

But it won't be saved in the Sent folder, will it? It will just be delivered to the mailbox?

you can have it delivered wherever you want, provided you configure that.

with a pcre sender bcc like this:
/(.*)@example\.com$/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

postfix will deliver a copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then deliver this with

1- dovecot LDA and use Sieve to store the message in the folder you want
2- maildrop and configure it to store the message where you like, or
3- directly with postfix, provided you configure the right virtual_mailbox_maps
or.. just add custom header line like "X-Save-Sent: 1" and use dovecot's
LDA + sieve script to store message in "sent" folder.
Personally I don't like fake "senderbcc" address for every user. This my
catch a lots of spam in "sent" folders.

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