On Sun, 2008-05-25 at 10:21 +0300, Gelu G. Lupas wrote:
> Hello. I'm having the following problem with dovecot 1.0.12 and above, 
> on a FreeBSD 7.0 system - I'm trying to run pop3-login from inetd and I 
> keep getting this error after authentication:
> May 25 09:46:19 charlie dovecot: POP3(gelu): /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: 
> environment corrupt; missing value for no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
> The problem persists if I uncomment the lines with no-nuls oe-ns-eoh in 
> dovecot.conf.

"uncomment"? What if you comment them? Does it at least change the error
message? I've looked at this error before, but I don't see any obvious
reason why it would happen.

Does it work if you run it directly instead of via inetd?

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