On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 12:21 -1000, Jason Forester wrote:
> We have 3 RH5.1 boxes running the stock Postfix 2.3.3, but due to issues
> with the stock Dovecot 1.0rc15, Redhat supplied us with the version of
> Dovecot 1.0.7 that will be in Redhat 5.2.

There is one change to Maildir++ quota since v1.0.7:

But that's mostly an optimization and doesn't cause files to be deleted.

> However almost immediately a maildirsize folder vanished.  Soon after
> another, then another, and now we're missing nearly 40 of them.

Maildir++ quota recalculation works like:

Go through all files and sum up their sizes. Keep track of the highest
directory mtime. Once everything is calculated, again go through all
directories and find the highest mtime. If the highest mtime had
increased, something had changed, so delete maildirsize file.

So could it be simply that the recalculation is slow enough that the
maildir changes during it and causes the file to be deleted? Another
possibility is that some error happens, but then Dovecot should have
logged something.

Do you keep your quota limits stored only in the maildirsize file? If
not, having the files deleted shouldn't affect functionality, but of
course the performance is worse.

The rebuild performance could be improved if maildir filenames contain
",S=xxx" containing the file's size so stat() calls can be avoided. But
you can't really change existing filenames without having them show up
as new mails.

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