On May 25, 2008, at 8:30 PM, Jeffrey Rice wrote:

I am seeing this error from clients:

May 25 11:01:54 finity dovecot: Panic: IMAP([EMAIL PROTECTED]): file mailbox-tree.c: line 171 (mailbox_tree_iterate_set_next_node): assertion failed: (len <= ctx->parent_pos)

Any idea how to reproduce this? Could you find out the exact LSUB command that causes this? For example enable rawlog for the user: http://wiki.dovecot.org/Debugging/Rawlog

Also send me the user's subscriptions file. It most likely has to do with what kind of a mailbox hierarchy is used..

I commented that out and put in:

mail_access_groups = vmail
mail_privileged_group = vmail

The documentation on these parameters is a bit light, so I'm not sure which (or both) to use. Can someone clarify? All the maildirs are owned by group vmail.

You shouldn't need the above settings at all.

   driver: static
   args: uid=5000 gid=5000 home=/home/vmail/%u/home

I assume gid=5000 is the vmail? That already gives vmail group access to the process.

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