On Wednesday, August 06, 2008 10:18 PM -0400 Timo Sirainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So I guess you're using mbox? There it's safe to delete everything. If
you're using maildir you should keep dovecot-uidlist and dovecot-keywords.

I'm in the process of getting my head around the least painful path to convert everything to maildir, given the headaches mbox is giving me here.

It looks like I can leave mail_location unset, and use a basic namespace to force the separator to be the same as for mbox:

namespace private {
  separator = /
  inbox = yes

procmail is used as the LDA on CentOS so I then need to change procmailrc to direct incoming mail to Maildir, presumably by adding:


It looks like I can do this on a per-user basis by putting that in a user's .procmailrc until I migrate everybody.

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