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Disregard this.

The user had a type-o in his email address for the domainB part!!

Sorry for the noise.

CJ Keist wrote:
> Hello,
>    Another wrinkle with vacation replies. I have user forwarding their
> mail from one domain to our mail server with the vacation reply set.
> Here is the dovecot script file:
> require ["fileinto", "vacation"];
> vacation
>     :days 30
>     :from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>     :addresses ["[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"]
> "********************** OUT OF THE OFFICE *******************
> I am on research cruise and will be out of office till Sept. 8th.
> I will respond to your email when I return. If you need to
> contact me before then, please send short (<10kB) email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This email is sent by automated responder.
> Dr. Joe
> *************************************************************";
> domainA would be my server with dovecot installed. Sending to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] works fine and the vacation reply is sent. But if I send to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] there is no vacation reply sent.  It doesn't even create the
> .dovecot.lda-dupes file.
> The log files shows that it is running the sieve script but nothing
> else.  I thought the addresses line allowed you to state that these
> addresses are good source email addresses to send the reply to.
> Running dovecot 1.1.2 with Sieve 1.1.5

- --
C. J. Keist                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
UNIX/Network Manager            Phone: 970-491-0630
Engineering Network Services    Fax:   970-491-5569
College of Engineering, CSU
Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1301

All I want is a chance to prove 'Money can't buy happiness'
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