I have a linux system (Ubuntu 7.04 server edition) running as a mail server
with Postfix. SMTP authentication is not configured so users have to be
connected to the lan to download/send mails.
I´m considering on enabling SMTP authentication and i have heard that by
installing Dovecot i can do this pretty straight forward.
First of all, some details about how the mail server is configured:

- Running Linux OS Ubuntu 7.04
- Currently running Postfix version 2.3.8
- No virtual users or domains . Every system user has a mail account (to
create a new mail account i have to create a new system user. I belive this
is called PAM, right?).

According to postfix´s website the version of postfix i have supports
Dovecot 1.0 SASL protocol. What would happen if i try to install Dovecot
through apt-get?. I mean, i most definitely get a version of Dovecot above
1.0. Would my postfix still support it?.

Before posting this i have posted on the postifx mailing list and they have
to told me that after installing Dovecot i don´t need to configure it as a
pop/iamp server. How would i accomplish this?.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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