On Tue, 2008-09-30 at 10:46 +0200, Sascha Wilde wrote:
> > namespace shared {
> >   separator = /
> >   # %%u gets expanded to the remote user. Instead of %%u you can
> >   # also use %%n and %%d.
> >   prefix = shared/%%u/
> >   location = Maildir:/home/%%u/Maildir:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared/%%u
> > }
> Sounds great, and it's an essential feature we need to make Dovecot work
> with Kolab Server.
> Is there a %%h, too?  So that, if we have 
>   mail_location = maildir:~
> Another (more specific) problem in this context: Is is it possible to
> determine a users home calling an external program like checkpassword?
> This would be needed in an setup, where the users $HOME is set by an
> checkpassword program to an compute value, to access another users
> mailbox.

This would require doing a userdb lookup from dovecot-auth the same way
as deliver or expire-tool does it. So sure it'd be possible, but I'm not
really interested in implementing it yet. I think expire-tool is
currently using copy&pasted code from deliver, those could be merged
into some library function and then the namespace code could easily use
the same function.

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