
I'am using Ubuntu Server, and I can't get Dovecot working. Please give me a
clue if you can.

Ok, my gide to configuration was https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dovecot

I tryed to "telnet mydomain.com 110", but the authentication fails, give
this error:

-ERR Authentication failed.

Besides this, I can't "telnet mydomain.com 110" outside my localhost

My mail.log tells this:

Oct  5 19:25:29 mydomain dovecot: Killed with signal 15
Oct  5 19:25:29 mydomain dovecot: Dovecot v1.0.10 starting up
Oct  5 19:29:33 mydomain dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected: Inactivity:
user=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=,

What's wrong in here?

Best regards, Andre.

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