Thanks, your detailed instructions were EXACTLY what I was looking for, I'll 
try them out and report back in a few days with the results.

On 29 Sep 2008 at 8:40, Rainer Frey (Inxmail GmbH) wrote:

> Then you simply configure Dovecot as described in
> In short: Put your godaddy SSl certificate, and then the complete
> hierachy of godaddy CA certificates (I don't know how many levels they
> have) in (e.g.) /etc/ssl/dovecot.pem, and set
> ssl_cert_file=/etc/ssl/dovecot.pem. Don't forget to set the path to
> your private key or add it to the beginning of your cert file. This
> handles SSL/TLS for the server. 

Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (use pgp keyid 0x3AD5C11D)
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