Hello all,

Currently we are looking at the possibility of moving from Courier-IMAP to Dovecot (the one that comes with Debian Lenny: version 1.0.15). I'm currently testing it on a non-production server and have a few questions:

1) Currently all our clients use Thunderbird as their mail client to read mail from our IMAP server. Thunderbird is configured with "INBOX." as the "IMAP server directory". As we certainly do NOT want to reconfigure over 150 desktops, we would like to know if it's possible to make Dovecot work with Thunderbird Configured this way -> Simply make Dovecot act the same as Courier-IMAP. With the default configuration of Dovecot I can see the (IMAP) Inbox but not its subfolders when "IMAP server directory" is NOT empty. Is there a way to let Dovecot ignore this setting and/or make it compatible with Courier?

2) About a year back we already test-drived Dovecot but we weren't able to get "Delete as marked" option to work in Thunderbird in combination with "Expunge to trash". Any messages marked as deleted would simply be deleted permanently when Thunderbird was closed. This did work properly with Courier where any messages were expunged to Trash (as it should). Is this a known problem and has it been addressed yet?

Basically both questions can be brought together as "How can we make Dovecot as compatible as possible with Courier-IMAP"?


Ing. A.C.J. van Amersfoort (Arno)
Electronics & ICT Engineer
Leiden Institute of Physics (LION), Electronics Department (ELD)
Huygens Laboratory (Room 1007), Leiden University
Postal Address: P.O. Box 9504, 2300 RA Leiden
Visit Address : Niels Bohrweg 2, 2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Phone    : +31-(0)71-527.1894
Fax      : +31-(0)71-527.5819
Homepage : http://rocky.eld.leidenuniv.nl

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