> So the load balancer is randomly assigning the user to different
> servers? Not really the preferred setup. I guess you've read
> http://wiki.dovecot.org/NFS?
Yes, in our previous setup we just used round robin and it seemed to
be fine, never had load problems (using courier). After switching to
dovecot I had tried both, while trying to narrow down the problem to
the pop3 I had set only 1 machine to handle all pop3 and I got a call
the next morning from support and the load was 511.

>> login_processes_count: 15
>> login_max_processes_count: 256
> This problem and possibly others could maybe be solved by using the high
> performance mode as described by http://wiki.dovecot.org/LoginProcess

I tried this the same night that I had a single pop3 box, it ran out
of processes I think was what the log said, so I switched back to the
current settings.

>> mail_location: maildir:~/:INDEX=/dovecot-index
> Are index files on local disk or on NFS?

Yes, although I set INDEX=MEMORY for pop3 section after reading that
on one of the google search results

>> mail_save_crlf: yes
> This adds some extra disk I/O, probably better to set to "no" unless you
> have a good reason.

I forgot why I had enabled this, I just turned it off though.

>> mmap_disable: yes
>> mail_nfs_storage: yes
> If indexes are on NFS, you should have mail_nfs_index=yes too.

I had this enabled as well until I read the index=memory thing and
then disabled it. I just now turned it on again.

>> mailbox_list_index_disable: no
> These aren't actually always disabled since the code is buggy..

I tried searching for what this did or what it meant but didnt find
anything helpful. Should I set manually set this to yes or leave it?

> BTW. Are you using Dovecot's deliver for new mails?

No I am just using exim 4.69 to deliver directly to maildir

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