Mark Zealey a écrit :
> Thanks; these look interesting. We have a similar nas setup but we have
> 2 frontend dovecot servers connecting to it and store the indexes over
> nfs. 
Could you please tell me how have you done this configuration ?
2 frontend dovecot proxy with 10 dovecot mda ? We are looking for such a
configuration : 2 mda frontend with maybe an active and a passive one !

> We also have around 10 mail servers running deliver to try to keep
> the indexes on the nfs store up-to-date. Have you done any tests with
> the speed of multiple boxes each maintaining a local index of the
> mailbox? 
No sorry

> I suspect in this case keeping indexes on nfs would be the best
> bet but I don't have anything to substantiate that claim...
> Also one thing to note with storing things on nfs is that there are a
> large number of broken kernels out there (they issue about 10* more nfs
> lookup requests than they should) - centos 5.1 had these issues iirc
> (though the centosplus kernel and centos 5.2 did fix it).
Good thing to know, I'll try to change kernel before my migration !

> Always give it
> a good test before you change the kernel on your server... I assume you
> are using nfs3; has anyone tried using heavily loaded nfs4 and seeing if
> any better performance can be achieved?
> Another thing - I found that dovecot's pop3 implimentation is worse than
> courier's over nfs (wait state on our boxes is significantly increased).
> I still don't really understand why this is; I suspect it's probably due
> to to the indexes being created/updated though I thought these were
> meant to be discontinued after a while if it is just a simple
> login/fetch all operation. I only mention this because if you are
> offering pop then you should really do the same benchmarks for that.
> Mark
fn:Mathieu Kretchner
adr;dom:;;2004 route des lucioles - BP93;Sophia Antipolis;;06902 CEDEX
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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