Hello list

I have compiled PostgreSQL with ICC (Intel C/C++ compiler) and this forces me 
to compile dovecot 1.1.6 as well with ICC. Trying to compile it with GCC fails, 
telling me it can not build with PostgreSQL support since it can not find libpq 
(but libpq is there!).

The funny part is that I can compile dovecot 1.1.6 with GCC 4.3.2 against MySQL 
which is build with ICC. But I can not build against PostgreSQL build with ICC. 
Why is that? Does any one know the reason why PostgreSQL is treated differently 
then MySQL in dovecot?

Well... so no way to get around to build dovecote with ICC. I can build dovecot 
with ICC but as soon as I start it, I get a crash. Loading the core dump into 
GDB does not give me much info. Probably because I have not compiled dovecot 
with debug symbols. Currently I am doing that. Hopefully this will produce 
better core dumps. I will post more info as soon as I get them. But in the mean 
time maybe some one has a hint for me how to get dovecot 1.1.6 to build 
properly with ICC?

// Steve

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