Steffen Kaiser wrote:
3) Because I try to migrate from cmusieve v1.0, I have a name issue
with "imapflags".

README sec "* Supports all extensions provided by the original CMUSieve
plugin:" and sec "Implementation Status" explains that "imapflags"
is available.

This is not true entirly: "imapflags" is not, lib-sieve uses the name
"imap4flags" as defined by RFC.
Documentation fixed.

So, it leaves me with two options:
3a) convert all user scripts and hack Horde-Ingo, or
3b) have libsieve accept the alias "imapflags" for the extension

Would it be worhtwhile for libsieve to implement aliases for extensions,
so that they are available in require by more than one name?
Ok, I've checked the specifications. It would in fact not be much of a problem to have an alias called 'imapflags' for the imap4flags extension, but only if your clients do not use the obsolete mark/unmark commands. Could you confirm this for me?

Check this for documentation on that these commands did:

This specification is almost nine years old. :)


Stephan Bosch

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