On Sat, 2009-01-31 at 03:49 -0800, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> I remember last year we discussed Dovecot replication a bit on this list, 
> e.g. http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2008-May/030446.html .
> Has there been any development related to this, and can I help at all? The 
> more I think about the hacks I'm employing to synchronize mail, the more I 
> realize I want this. So hopefully I can put either some money or some time 
> where my mouth is.

Replication is still on my TODO list and I've a bit of code for the
replication plugin implemented, but it's not very far. Anyway since I
now started working for Mailtrust they'll decide what the priorities are
for new Dovecot features. I can't say for sure if/when I'll start coding
the replication again, but my current understanding is that they're
interested in it, but some other things are more important to get done

So throwing money at me won't help, but nothing of course stops you from
writing the code :) I can send you the code I have so far if you want

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