Juergen wrote:
> > How will chrony help here if the PC is not online at boot time?
> >From http://chrony.sunsite.dk/guide/chrony.html
> - chronyd can perform usefully in an environment where access to the time
>   reference is intermittent. chronyd estimates both the current time
>   offset and the rate at which the computer's clock gains or loses time,
>   and can use that rate estimate to trim the clock after the reference
>   disappears.

Doesn't apply to the use case.  This is *before* the PC goes online.

> - chronyd provides support to work out the gain or loss rate of the
>   `real-time clock', i.e. the clock that maintains the time when the
>   computer is turned off. It can use this data when the system boots to
>   set the system time from a corrected version of the real-time clock.

There is no corrected version of the real-time clock before the PC goes


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