On Jun 8, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Scott Haneda wrote:

I will be deploying Dovecot on OS X shortly. I am looking for clarification on the limits imposed by OS X and sysctl [kern.maxproc]. I understand that it is defaulting to 532, but can be raised to 2500. I believe the OS uses around 100 or so, plus I will have other processes and shells at times.

Which version of OS X? 10.4 or 10.5 ? Server or client ? It matters.

My current target for deployment is a Dual 2.0 PPC G5, running OS X 10.5 client. Thank you.

From http://www.postfix.org/TUNING_README.html#proc_limit

I would presume relevant to Dovecot as well:


Tuning the number of processes on the system

MacOS X will run out of process slots when you increase Postfix process limits. The following works with OSX 10.4 and OSX 10.5.

      MacOS X kernel parameters can be specified in /etc/sysctl.conf.


Unfortunately these can't simply be set on the fly with "sysctl -w". You also have to set the following in /etc/launchd.conf so that the root user after boot will have the right process limit (2048). Otherwise you have to always run ulimit -u 2048 as root, then start a user shell, and then start processes for things to take effect.

          limit maxproc 2048

Once these are in place, reboot the system. After that, the limits will stay in place.

Hope it helps,

B. Bodger

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