On Jul 24, 2009, at 6:58 PM, A. van Harten wrote:

Tried that, same result.

dovecot: Jul 25 00:55:41 Info: Dovecot v1.0.7 starting up

If it's logging this, it means you have v1.0 binaries around. If rpm - e dovecot didn't remove it, something else will. I can't really help you there.

Anyway most likely the problem is that you have Dovecot v1.0 installed to /usr prefix (e.g. you have /usr/sbin/dovecot and /usr/lib/dovecot/) but v1.2 was installed to /usr/local prefix (e.g. /usr/local/sbin/ dovecot). And I guess you're starting Dovecot with /etc/init.d/ dovecot, which uses the /usr/sbin/dovecot instead of /usr/local/sbin/ dovecot..

Maybe it's easiest if you just do make uninstall in v1.2 source dir, and then install v1.2.1 rpm from http://atrpms.net/dist/el5/dovecot/

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