
I'm using a Sieve script for vacation messages and there's something strange
with it in certain cases.

The script uses the "variables" extension to produce the "Re: [original
subject] (autoreply)" subject line for the vacation message. 

All is well except for cases when that [original subject] is written in

In those cases the subject string is garbled, and the Amavis content filter

"X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER SECTION, Non-encoded 8-bit data (char D0
hex):Subject: RE: \320\277\321?\320\276\320\261\320\260 (Auto[...]"

It doesn't complain about English subject strings, though.

I've seen the thread about "Sieve vacation with russian subject" at , 

but that wasn't quite a solution. 

I can't figure out how to work around that, could anyone help out please?


Mandatory info:

    FreeBSD 7.2 i386, dovecot 1.2.3, dovecot-sieve-1.2+0.1.11


And here's the script itself:

    require ["fileinto", "vacation", "variables"];

    set "subject" "";

    if header :matches "subject" "*" {

      set "subject" "${1}";


    vacation :days 1 :subject "RE: ${subject}"

    "[vacation message text]";


P.S. Stephan Bosch, thank you very much for what you've done with sieve. 

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