If you notice in your ntpq dumps you did, you have >400ms of jitter.
That is a hell of alot.

I dunno if it makes a difference but you used 3 servers from the same edu, and they have 90ms on them, shouldn't matter, if they where the only ones with jitter I would replace them, but all 4 of your entries have high jitter.

Jitter stops ntp from doing it's job properly. I'm not sure what is causing you jitter to be so bad, but it's caused by the delay amount changing from packet to packet. The delay should stay consistant (like a ping time). If it keeps bouncing all over the place, ntp can't figure out what time it really is, cause it doesn't know how long that packet was on the network. You can safely ignore offset, it is just how much different your clock is from what the other computer is.

Try adding some of the pool servers in there, like:
server 0.us.pool.ntp.org
server 1.us.pool.ntp.org
server 2.us.pool.ntp.org

I assume your in the us atleast, if not you could change to eu or something (check www.pool.ntp.org)

A few samples from my dom0's (and noticing lots of people changed from st 2/3 up to 1 lately it seems)

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
*     .PPS.            1 u  813 1024  377    7.939   -2.960   0.937
+    .ACTS.           1 u  487 1024  377    9.375    4.435   0.670
+  .GPS.            1 u  339 1024  377   82.343   -6.345   0.956
-  2 u    3   16  377    0.191    0.965   0.085       3 u   15   16  376    0.146    0.448   0.036

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
* .ACTS.           1 u  642 1024  377   11.615    1.992   0.934
+  .CDMA.           1 u  955 1024  377    9.701   -0.562   0.200
-   2 u  665 1024  377   37.122   -2.228   0.634
-      2 u   10   16  376    0.184   -0.916   0.247
+       3 u   11   16  376    0.215   -0.542   0.023

     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+      2 u   40   64  377    1.873   -0.291   0.092
-   2 u   32   64  357   16.517   -3.454   0.300
-       3 u   41   64  377   28.699    4.447   0.094
-      2 u    2   64  377    9.290   -2.892   0.295
*      2 u    1   16  377    0.161   -0.455   0.051
+  2 u    5   16  377    0.206    0.546   0.020

Quoting PGNet Dev <pgnet.dev+dove...@gmail.com>:

just fwiw,  as of 10/06/09 19:03:27 still no errors.  apparently,
time's moving forward again ...

so, it seems the config above works.  why some others have NOT seen
the same problems, remains for me a bit of a mystery.

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