That would of been my next guess, to see if you could lookup the proper user, then attempt a login via that. Just causes extra ldap traffic.

Quoting ????????? ??????????? <>:

I just solved it
using authentcation binds
  auth_bind = yes
  pass_attrs = mail=user
  pass_filter = (& (objectclass=User) (objectCategory=Person) (mail=%u))

Active Directory, as far as I know, by no means exposes users passwords to third party applications or services.

Thanks in advance

O/H ????????? ??????????? ??????:
O/H Patrick Domack ??????:
Yes, it's possible to do this. But not possible using auth_bind.
You are going have to login using an administrator account, then do an ldap search for the email address, then authenicate against it. Using auth_bind requires you to know the username before you login.

Just need to change passfilter to do a ?proxy_email? or what it's called for ad

many thanks for your reply.

Active Direcotry doesn't return the userPassword in

pass_attrs = uid=user, userPassword=password

so the password supplied by the user can't be validated.

I used this configuration

auth_bind = no
pass_attrs = mail=user, userPassword=password
pass_filter = (& (objectclass=User) (objectCategory=Person) (mail=%u))
default_pass_scheme = MD5

and although the ldap query located the user it complains with the following:

No password returned (and no nopassword)

Any ideas?

Quoting ????????? ??????????? <>:

Hi all!

Is it possible to authenticate against Active Directory, using the whole e-mail address and not the user part (%n), so that if you support mutiple domains, all users should authenticate with their e-mail addresses.

I use
auth_bind_userdn = DOMAIN \ %u
but somehow the *mail* attribute of Active/LDAP should be employed.

thanks in advance
Dimitrios Karapiperis

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