Thomas Leuxner <> escribió:

Am 07.10.2009 um 21:10 schrieb Michel Bulgado:

require ["include"];
include :global "global-spam.script";


require "fileinto";

if header :contains "X-Bogosity" "Spam" {
      fileinto "Spam";

The include is intended to be run from a personal script. You kind of loop it from the global script itself.

And i still seeing this in my logs:
mailserver deliver( Per-user script path is  unknown.

Per default 'cmusieve' will look for '.dovecot.sieve' in the user's home directory. Reference your global script from there, or better, for testing put the code of the global script in '.dovecot.sieve'.

You may also configure the personal script:

sieve = /var/sieve-scripts/%u.sieve


I create another script just place, only to the user and still pass the same when you define the user a personal script, it happens that for every message that comes is moved into spam and I mean all messages marked as either spam or ham.

Plugin section
sieve = /var/sieve-scripts/%u.sieve


require "fileinto";

if header :contains "X-Bogosity" "Spam" {
        fileinto "Spam";

server log
mailserver deliver( msgid=<>: saved mail to Spam

I dont know why move all messages , when in the script is only for messages marked as "Spam".

I checked the message headers are right

X-Bogosity:     Ham, tests=bogofilter, spamicity=0.000000, version=1.2.1

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