Ed W schrieb:
> Scott Murman wrote:
>> i'm trying to backup the dovecot Maildir files over a cifs share.  
>> source is a debian build, share is a readynas.   i've been getting
>> rsync: mkstemp 'filename goes here' failed: Not a directory (20)
>> errors.   rsync is v3.0.   i believe this is related to the dovecot
>> file naming convention that includes characters such as ':' in the
>> filename.   anyone else seeing similar behavior?  a workaround?   i
>> can go to different backup strategies, but rsync is cheap and
>> effective for my needs.  thanks,
> Is backup over ssh an option?
> Alternatively could you run an rsync server at one end or the other
> (which then also avoids using cifs in the middle)?
> Ed W

i ll do backups with rsync on maildirs with courier
( which has also : in filenames )
without any problems, as well i backup whole machines
including sockets etc without any problems
so the problem cant be dovecot here
check your rsync version and script i would guess, maybe cifs has
problems ..., use ssh ,ftp, nfs etc instead, or backup rsync in a local
dir first then tar it followed by copy over cifs just one tar file

Best Regards

MfG Robert Schetterer


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