On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 14:51 -0500, Dave wrote:
> Now, I have gotten the shared boxes to work IF I changed the permissions
> to be rwx for user and group on /home/imapuser/Maildir/*, but this makes
> procmail (and .procmailrc) unhappy and it starts sending things to mbox
> files (old system) instead of sending them on to the Maildir.  So that
> doesn't seem to work.  

You'll need to set UNIX permissions in a way that it works.

> Which led me to ACLs.

Dovecot ACLs won't get you around UNIX permission problems.

> One thing I am receiving consistently in the error logs is:
> mail dovecot: IMAP(newuser1):
> stat(/home/newuser1/Maildir/.imapuserinbox/tmp) failed: Permission
> denied (euid=152(newuser1) egid=100(usergroup) UNIX perms seem ok, ACL
> problem?)
> So it seems if I get the ACL stuff right, I will be in business.

No. What that means is that there's probably a bug in the code that
tries to check what permission problem you have (hopefully fixed in
later version, v1.1.10 is getting a bit old). The ACL it mentions isn't
Dovecot ACLs, but filesystem ACLs or perhaps SELinux or something else.
I guess I should change the error message.

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