Em 18/2/2010 06:19, Stefan Palme escreveu:
In LDAP, I have users like this:

My problem: not ALL users from the LDAP system should be allowed to
use the IMAP server. Currently, I have defined an auth_bind_userdn
of "cn=%u,ou=users,dc=kapott,dc=org" in dovecot-ldap.conf, but with
this, user1 AND user2 could login (but I don't want user2 to be able
to use dovecot).

I use LDAP on PAM, and dovecot uses PAM as auth method, so I can have a separeted /etc/ldap_dovecot.conf wich filters "nss_base_passwd ou=People,dc=xxx?one?objectClass=mailUser" (I have a postfix.schema I downloaded somewhere that implements mailUser, you may use whatever objectclass you find best). That /etc/ldap_dovecot.conf is read by /etc/pam.d/dovecot wich is used by dovecot. This may be tweaked to solve your needs.


Marcio Merlone

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