On 7.7.2010, at 9.59, Sandu cucereanu wrote:

> I want to know if there is any possibility to log the subjects of the 
> messages downloaded from ther server. We use dovecot 1.0.15 with POP3S and 
> IMAP and we want to keep a trace of the reading of messages by the users of 
> our mail server (who, when and what are the subjects of the  e-mail messages 
> read) because some users complain that they did not read some messages but in 
> the logs of the server (maillog files( those messages appear to be delivered 
> to their inboxes.

Not with v1.0, but I think with v1.2 or later you could use 
http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/MailLog :

plugin {
  mail_log_events = flag_change
  mail_log_fields = subject

Then as long as you have pop3_no_flag_updates=no (default) it should log a line 
for every RETR that is done. (Not tested, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.)

The main problem is that with IMAP this gets logged every time a flag changes. 
Also with IMAP there's really no reliable way to say if a message has been 
read/downloaded. Clients typically download messages headers, but it's possible 
to delete a message without reading it.

Maybe the mail_log plugin would be better used as it was originally intended? 
So that it would log whenever messages are deleted?

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