On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 12:05, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-01-05 at 10:09 -0500, Phil Howard wrote:
>> Is IMAP supposed to be case sensitive or case in-sensitive?
> Case sensitive, except for INBOX. (Or if the server is using
> case-insensitive filesystem then they're case-insensitive.)

So what will Dovecot do when both directories exist:  .INBOX.Spam and

>>  It seemed
>> it would be case sensitive because I've had different cases of
>> folders.  But today I found I had two folders "Spam" and "spam", with
>> directories ".INBOX.Spam" and ".INBOX.spam" on the server.  Messages
>> existed in each directory on the server and they were different.  The
>> messages could be read from Evolution.  However, the list of messages
>> had info mixed up between the folders.  I then selected all messages
>> in one of the folders and trashed them (click on trash icon).
>> Messages disappeared in BOTH folders.  On the server, after a couple
>> minutes delay, messages in BOTH directories were flagged "T".  That
>> doesn't seem right.
> My guess is that Evolution messes this up.

And it might be confused by odd data it gets due to both above
directories existing.

>> Unfortunately, there seems to be no operation in Evolution to tell it
>> to discard its own cache.
> rm -rf ~/.evolution/mail/imap/

Thanks.  I'll give that a try soon.

sHiFt HaPpEnS!

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