> i've actually been reading on ocfs2 and it looks quite promising. According
> to this presentation:
> http://www.gpaterno.com/publications/2010/dublin_ossbarcamp_2010_fs_comparison.pdf
> ocfs2 seems to work quite well with lots of small files (typical of
> maildir). I'm guessing that since ocfs2 reboot a system automatically, it
> doesn't require any additional fencing?

I did not see that on my tests, chmod take really long, as to rm files is
even longer.

how many users are we talking about ?

And we are not using any fence device with the ocfs2 because it reboots when
anything goes wrong.


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Ed W <li...@wildgooses.com> wrote:

> Where are all the glusterfs users in this thread...  There are at least a
> couple of folks here using such a system?  Any comments on how it's working
> out for you?
> Ed W

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