Jonathan Tripathy put forth on 1/14/2011 4:58 PM:

> I'm sorry I don't follow this. It would be appreciated if you could include a
> simpler example. The way I see it, a VM disk is just a small chunck "LVM LV in
> my case" of a real disk.

We can't teach you everything on a mailing list.  You need to actually go out
and do some research.  What you actually need is for someone to forcibly rip you
from that chair, drag you outside and sit you down on the patio/side walk with
some children's blocks, and visually demonstrate to you how this works.  This is
meant to be humorous not mean. :)

You are stuck in an improper mindset that is physically impossible to fix with
typed words (at least for me).  You need to _see_ conceptualization of what Eric
and I are talking about.  I can't provide that with text.  It must be visual.
Which means you're going to have to do your own research to find those
conceptual answers.  A really good place for that might be the drbd home page.
:)  There are some very good pictures there that explain the concepts very well.

DRBD is for mirroring physical devices over a network.  You might be able to do
DRBD inside a VM guest, but to what end?  What sense does it make to do so?  It
doesn't.  Instead of asking we who know to tell you "why not", you need to tell
us "why yes" WRT DRBD inside the VM guests.


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