
I've been trying to set up dovecot 2.0.15, everything seems to work pretty well except for the quota feature. I would like to set a quota limit only for the Inbox folder. I configured two namespaces, according to some posts from Timo Sirainen (http://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2006-July/014530.html) & (http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2011-January/056131.html) but I can't configure the quota plugin to act the way I pretend.

Here's my namespace configuration:

namespace {
     separator = /
     prefix = INBOX/
     location = mbox:/var/empty:INBOX=/mail/%d/%n:INDEX=/var/dovecot/%d/%n
     inbox = yes
     hidden = yes

namespace {
     separator = /
     prefix =
     inbox = no
     location = mbox:/mail/%d/MAILBOXES/%n:INDEX=/var/dovecot/%d/%n

Quota config:

plugin {
     quota = dirsize:User quota

     # I've tried with:
     quota_rule = INBOX:storage=819200K
     quota_rule = INBOX/*:storage=819200K
     quota_rule = INBOX/Inbox:storage=819200K

     # Works with:
     quota_rule = *:storage=819200K
     quota_rule = ?:storage=819200K (Same behavior as '*')

Using '*' and '?', is the only way I get it to work, but obviously, quota is calculated summing up all the mailbox folders. I don't know what else to change, any ideas? Is the two namespace configuration correct?

Thanks in advance.


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