On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 14:19 +0100, Maria Arrea wrote:

>  We are using dovecot 2.0.15+mdbox+zlib and we are evaluating to buy
> cheap sata-based iscsi storage / sata-NFS. We want to evaluate how
> much space would be needed in alternate storage BEFORE buying it. I
> have been reading about doveadm altmove. We want to move ALL messages
> older than a year to alternate storage, what doveadm-script-fu could I
> do to identify how much space would go from a user to alternate
> storage?

doveadm -A -f tab fetch size.physical before 1y

would print all the message sizes. You could then sum them up with some
scripting to produce the total. Unfortunately they are the uncompressed
sizes, but maybe simply dividing by 2 would give approximate size? :) 

(You could get the compressed sizes from dovecot.map.index files with
doveadm dump and mapping their contents to the older than 1 year message
UIDs, but this gets difficult.)

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