Hello Dovecot users,

Pigeonhole v0.2.5 does not compile against the new Dovecot v2.0.18 release. That is why a release a new version now. Other changes are included as well, of which the one regarding the include extension requires special attention;

Changelog v0.2.6:

 * This release fixes unintentional behavior of the include extension.
   Included script names with a name like "name.sieve" would implicitly
   map to a script file called "name.sieve" and not "name.sieve.sieve".
   Keep in mind that the .sieve file extension has no meaning from
   within the Sieve language. A Sieve script is always stored with an
   appended .sieve file extension, also when the name already ends with
   a .sieve suffix.
   IMPORTANT: Some installations have relied on this unintentional
   feature, so check your script includes for issues before upgrading.
 * Matched changes regarding auth_verbose setting in Dovecot. This
   means that this release will only compile against Dovecot v2.0.18.
 - Fixed problem in ManageSieve that caused it to omit a WARNINGS
   response code when the uploaded script compiled with warnings.
 - Made sure that locations of Sieve error never report `line 0'.
 - Fixed potential segfault occurring when interpreter initialization

The release is available as follows:


Refer to http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org and the Dovecot v2.0 wiki for more information. Have fun testing this new release and don't hesitate to notify me when there are any problems.


Stephan Bosch

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