On 10.4.2012, at 18.29, Stéphane Locatelli wrote:

> My dovecot server (2.0.18 on FreeBSD 9) has multiple interface. I would
> like to configure the authentication (pop and imap) to append different
> domain according to the local IP address.
> I've tested this:
> local {
>   auth_default_realm = domain1.com
> }
> local {
>   auth_default_realm = domain2.com
> }
> But it doesn't work. I get this error message:
> doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file
> /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 58: Auth settings not supported
> inside local/remote blocks: auth_default_realm

As it says, currently they aren't supported. It would need some extra code. 
Depending on your passdb you may be able to do this in your passdb 

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