On 11.6.2012, at 13.43, Joseba Torre wrote:

>>> I've tried with 3 different users and ips to no change, users are always 
>>> directed to the same host.
>> Perhaps you just managed to use such usernames that map to the same 
>> director.. You can try with "doveadm director status<user>" to see where 
>> they should go.
> I was thinking that users where sent to one server or another in a more or 
> less random way. As always, your guess was right, test[1-4] are all sent to 
> the same server, but for example jorge is sent to the other one.

The "randomness" is basically md5(username)%2.

>>> Second problem: if I try to add/remove/modify one of the dovecot servers, 
>>> the output of doveadm director map/status seems to be ok, but any new user 
>>> connection fails with this log:
>>> Jun  6 14:51:59 director dovecot: director: Warning: Delaying new user 
>>> requests until ring is synced
>> Looks like there's a bug when only one director is used. I'll try and fix it 
>> later..
> Thanks a lot for your support

Fixed: http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.1/rev/46d01b728647

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