I'm reacreating all FTS indices on all my users' INBOX folders:

mkdir ~%s/Maildir/lucene-indexes && chown %s:users ~%s/Maildir/lucene-indexes
doveadm index -u %s -q INBOX

In "ps auxwww" I'm seeing this:

tbudkevy 29186  3.7  0.0   6616  3056 ?        S    18:11   0:15 
dovecot/indexer-worker [tschuetz INBOX]

how can a dovecot/indexer-worker actually access the INBOX of the
user "tschuetz" (where "tbudkevy" doesn't have access, due to the
different UID)...?

Should ~%s/Maildir/lucene-indexes be filled after having run the command
sequence for all users?

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | http://www.charite.de

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