On Feb 4, 2013, at 8:56 PM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> On Mon, 2013-02-04 at 12:08 -0500, Andy Dills wrote:
>> We have a checkpassword authentication with mysql pre-fetch for the 
>> userdb lookups.
>> When trying to do:
>> doveadm search -u andyt...@xecu.net mailbox Trash DELETED
>> I get:
>> doveadm(andyt...@xecu.net): Error: user andyt...@xecu.net: Auth PASS 
>> lookup failed
>> doveadm(andyt...@xecu.net): Fatal: /var/run/dovecot/auth-userdb: passdb 
>> lookup failed (to see if user is proxied, because doveadm_proxy_port is 
>> set)
> Do you have proxying enabled? If not, remove doveadm_proxy_port and this
> solves itself

Yes, I apologize, it appears I edited out the paragraph where I described our 

Cluster of dovecot dual instance servers, one proxy/director, one backend. The 
backend config lives in dovecot.conf, the proxy config in proxy.conf (let me 
know if the specific config would help). Version 2.1.12 (current version in 
FreeBSD ports).

I should mention, I have to specify the director-admin socket manually when 
using doveadm director, it's as if doveadm isn't quite aware of the config in 
the proxy instance.

However, the authentication happens in the primary "dovecot.conf" 
instance...that's where checkpassword gets called, and where the prefetch is 
configured. The proxy is "dumb".

>> I'm not surprised the checkpassword lookup is failing; the password 
>> isn't being supplied. Shouldn't it just be doing the prefetch lookup 
>> instead, like the lmtp service?
> doveadm doesn't care about the password. It cares about the proxy
> destination host so that it can automatically connect to the correct
> host to run the command.

I understand doveadm doesn't care about the password; i was confused why 
checkpassword was being called when the password is unknown rather than using 
the mysql prefetch.

So, I guess what you're saying is doveadm should be talking to the proxy 
instance rather than the backend instance? I assume I need to move the backend 
to a differently named config and make my proxy instances live in dovecot.conf, 
so that doveadm sees the "right" config?


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