Am 27.03.2013 17:51, schrieb Peer Heinlein:
> Am 25.03.2013 15:27, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
>> please reread the list archive ,solutions where massive posted
>> and a new repair script was created
> We did that before, for sure.
> But there are NO working solutions for that and the problem still exists
> and ist a massive problem, because a simple version upgrade doesn't work
> and leads to a DOS of the infected systems.
> The repair script hasn't worked at all with our kind of Maildir-Filenames.
> If others run into the same problem:
> We used this simple piece of code (which is much easier to read and adapt):
> for FILE in * ; do
>         OLDNAME=$FILE
>         SIZE=`zcat $FILE | wc -c`
>         NEWNAME=`echo $FILE | sed "s/\(.*\)S=.*:\(.*\)/\1S=$SIZE:\2/g"`
>         if [ ! $OLDNAME = $NEWNAME ] ; then
>                 echo mv "$OLDNAME"    "$NEWNAME"
>         fi
> done
> Peer

Hi Peer , as talked to Gordon, this was a total upgrade from 2.0.x to
2.1.x and you converted all maildir to compressed before, right ?
posting some conf parameters might be helpfull , did you investigated
broken maildirs for mixing compressed and uncompressed mails exist, as i
understand Gordon there should be only compressed ? Have you checked
about double compressed mails in broken maildirs ?

As wrote before, at my bug time after repair with script and upgrading
dovecot, failures had gone and never returned, but my setup may be
different from yours and failure did happend sometime upgrade dove 2.1.x
not at migrate from dove 2.0.x, did you changed something other too ?

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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