Chris Richards wrote:
> Is there any documentation that goes into more detail regarding the 'map'
> settings, what they mean, etc., of which you are aware?
> hoping to avoid digging through the code just to satisfy my curiosity.

I couldn't find much in the docs:

So here's some documentation, please correct me if I'm wrong:

map {
  pattern = priv/quota/storage      # dictionary for storage bytes
  table = quota                     # table where to write storage count
  username_field = username         # username of whom storage should be counted
  value_field = bytes               # number of bytes in user mailbox

map {
  pattern = priv/quota/messages     # dictionary for message count
  table = quota                     # table where to write email count
  username_field = username         # username whose emails should be counted
  value_field = messages            # number of messages in user mailbox


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