On Fri, 2013-07-26 at 11:28 +0100, Simon Fraser wrote:

> I am running dovecot 2.2.2 with tcp based replication, and experiencing
> some duplicated emails. `doveconf -n` output is below.

Are both of the servers using the same mailbox format?

> I have narrowed it down to the following scenario:
> An email arrives, and is successfully replicated to both nodes. It is in
> INBOX/new/ at this point on both servers. 
> Connect with a mail client, and delete the message - without delayed
> expunge. So, for example, mutt (press 'd' then '$' to sync the mailbox),
> or Evolution set to immediately delete.

Can you reproduce this by disabling automatic replication (e.g. just
remove replicator from mail_plugins) and running dsync manually? So
basically delete the message, then run:

doveadm sync -r rawlog -u user@domain -d

If that reproduces it, send the rawlog to me.

> The following log entry appears on the server the client is connected
> to:
> Jul 26 10:40:55 intmail3a dovecot: imap(srf):
> Warning: /mail/spool/s/srf/mail/INBOX/dovecot-uidlist: Duplicate file
> entry at line 5: 1374831638.M830754P11591.intmail3a,S=1289,W=1321 (uid
> 733481 -> 733482) - retrying by re-reading from beginning
> Jul 26 10:40:55 intmail3a dovecot: imap(srf): Warning:
> Maildir /mail/spool/s/srf/mail/INBOX: Expunged message reappeared,
> giving a new UID (old uid=733481,
> file=1374831638.M830754P11591.intmail3a,S=1289,W=1321)

This seems to be a bug of its own regardless of what happens with

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