Am 15.08.2013 23:43, schrieb

> Sorry, seem to have missed that ... It's working now. Still any ideas on the 
> SSL thing? 
> STARTLS is not available and dovecot

have you configured ssl?

> is not listening on 993

has nothiung to do with STARTTLS

> There is no info in the logs, even with verbose_ssl ... 

again: have you configureed it and if why not show how?

[root@testserver:~]$ cat /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf | grep ssl
# configure ssl
ssl                            = yes
ssl_cert                       = </etc/postfix/certs/localhost.pem
ssl_key                        = </etc/postfix/certs/localhost.pem
ssl_cipher_list                =
verbose_ssl                    = no

> Certificates are working in postfix ...

has *nothing* to do with dovecot

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