On 10/31/2013 11:19 AM Jess Portnoy wrote:
> Hello list,
> I would add:
> # dovecot        Startup script for the dovecot server
> #
> # chkconfig: - 
> # processname: dovecot
> # config: /path/to/config
> # pidfile: /path/to/pid
> So that it supports the chkconfig used by RHEL and clones too.
> Also, maybe it should be installed by the Makefile's install target? it 
> could then also set:
> DAEMON=/path/to/dovecot/daemon
> instead of:
> DAEMON=/usr/local/sbin/dovecot
> Cause naturally, it will know the prefix chosen.
> May the source be with you,
> Jess Portnoy

The comments between "### BEGIN INIT INFO" and "### END INIT INFO" are
comments as defined in "Comment Conventions for Init Scripts"ยน.
Therefore each LSB compliant Linux distributions should know how to
handle those comments.

The keywords you've mentioned are not defined in the specification.
I think it would be the distribution's job to add local extensions (see

Also the comments are ignored by other operation systems, e.g. *BSD or

Reason, why the Makefile shouldn't install the init script:

  - there could be a /etc/init.d/dovecot from a package
  - the init script (copied from doc/dovecot-initd.sh) could contain
    local modifications

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