On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 04:22:13PM +0100, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> Ah, I had actually been mostly just thinking about inbound SMTP features.
> It should of course support outbound SMTP as well, but I’m less familiar
> about what functionality would be useful for that.

Outbound is mostly the same as inbound, except requirement of
authentication and TLS for the "submission" (587/tcp) and ssl wrapped
"smtps" port 465/tcp.

Features we'd want:

* authentication
* per user rate limiting might be handled by Dovecot MTA instead of
  external program? 
* spam filtering trough milter?
* virus filtering trough milter?
* Per user Geo-blocking would be great!
* Protection from password guessing ?

Plus it would be great if it could check if the authentication is still
valid when re-using connection, ref missing feature in postfix:


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