On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 12:59:27AM +0100, Reindl Harald wrote:
> everywhere else you have sender-dependent relay hosts, RCPT dependent 
> relayhosts
> and all sort of aliases which you *do not* want treated different between
> incoming mail from outside or a internal server and submission mail
> the only real difference between submission is that it is authenticated
> and because the authentication a few restrictions are not applied

I don't quite agree. Our "smarthosts" has very little local knowledge
about where to route messages. They only follow MX records. It's the
incoming SMTP servers that has all the knowledge, and needs to be robust
against millions of broken mailservers and spam-bots on the internet.

The fact that submission is authenticated is an opportunity to integrate
better with the userdb than postfix and exim does. To have native
quotas, brute-force protection, per user geo-blocking, etc.. that are
difficult to achieve with the general SMTP servers.

> but in usual there is and must not be any difference in the mail-routing

Incoming SMTP servers routes to dovecot-LMTP, internal exchange, and
more. Outgoing would only need to follow MX (even for messages heading
back home to us).


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